Hollie and Tom’s Trinity Buoy Wharf wedding was held on the beginning of a summers long heatwave. The weather was glorious, the sun was shining and I could not contain my excitement for this wedding. I market myself as predominantly a Surrey wedding Photographer, but with this celebration it was nice to stretch my London wedding photography skills. Being able to photograph a wedding at Trinity Buoy Wharf has always been an aspiration.

Hollie’s wedding morning started at the home that she and Tom share in London, not far from Trinity Buoy Wharf. After being greeted by her wedding party and being introduced to Hollie’s pet chickens in the garden, it was time to start documenting. Hollie’s bridesmaids were putting the finishing touches on their home made bouquets . This was whilst Hollie had her make up and hair done. The home was awash with laughter and anticipation of the impending fun. Hollie’s bridesmaids were also preparing the door game challenges.

Chinese Wedding DOOR GAME traditions
If you are not familiar with wedding door games, let me explain to you this wonderful tradition. In Chinese communities (and others Asian countries) wedding door games were challenges organised by the bridesmaids. These challenges are for the groom as a ceremonial demonstration of his love for the bride. The bridesmaids prepare a mixture of salty and sweet challenges for the groom and his groomsmen to undertake. More specifically the flavours are to reflect that marriages have their ups and downs and go through all flavours in life.

The wedding door games that Hollie’s bridesmaid chose to play with Tom and his groomsmen consisted of ‘Pass the Seaweed’ a ‘Q & A about Hollie’ and push up endurance test. But when the groomsmen or Tom did not answer correctly or pass the challenge set, there were spicy wasabi filled Oreo biscuit forfeits! Hollie was hidden away in the house whilst the games continued, watching from Facetime. Tom had to show his devotion to Hollie with a declaration of love before being able to see her. This was followed by lots of tears from all the wedding party, including myself!

Hollie + Tom’s Summer Trinity Buoy Wharf Wedding Extravaganza
Once the door games were concluded it was time for Hollie and Tom to be married. Trinity Buoy Wharf was decorated beautifully for this wedding. The couple had a really heartfelt ceremony conducted by Roxy Celebrates Love and translated by Hollie’s good friend Karlie. There was a traditional Chinese wedding banquet, dragon dancers and a tea ceremony to follow. Along with an absolutely amazing sunset and a choreographed first dance as well. It is safe to say that this wedding was a marathon and not a sprint. But my GOSH was it an absolute favourite mine in 2022 *shhhh just don’t tell the others!*

Thank you for looking through this WONDERFUL Trinity Buoy Wharf Wedding
If like Hollie and Tom you are interested in London wedding photography please do get in touch. Or perhaps for some more London wedding inspiration check out Anna and Sam’s Old Marylebone Town Hall Wedding or maybe Richard and Yue-Zhen’s Chelsea Old Town Hall Wedding.
Thank you to these lovely suppliers
Venue: Trinity Buoy Wharf Weddings
Celebrant: Roxy Celebrates Love
Florist: Filth Florist
Dress: The Vampires Wife
Hair: Helen Artistry
Caterer: Leigh House
Cake: Cakes By Robin Cakes
Lion Dancers: Jimmy Lee Pak Mei London